I first noticed Nicole Kidman when I was in college and watched "Dead Calm" (1989) with a group of
friends. The tall (5'11"), fair-skinned, red-haired Kidman was certainly visually arresting. In the movie, she
plays Sam Neill's wife; when the movie was filmed, Kidman was just 19, Neill 39. Hmmm.
Frankly, I don't think Nicole Kidman photographs particularly well. She's breathtaking when you see
her in motion -- on the screen or on TV -- but somehow it just doesn't translate entirely into still photos. It's
probably just that she's so all-around awesome that a photograph simply cannot do her justice. No matter; she's certainly
beautiful, and extremely talented (she was extraordinary in "Moulin Rouge" and "The Hours") to boot.
You can find a good short biography of Kidman at
www.allmovie.com; just enter her name in the search box.